Menopause Support

Menopause is a key issue in the workplace and can impact on colleagues both directly and indirectly.

Over half the population will go through menopause, and it can affect people whatever their gender, race or age, with everyone’s experience of menopause being different. While some may sail through it with barely a symptom, it isn’t an easy transition for all, with 1 in 4 people experiencing significant and life-impacting symptoms. By increasing awareness of the menopause, encouraging open conversations, having an inclusive approach, and with the right support, we can help to improve the experience at work and in personal lives too.


Virtual meet-ups

to provide a safe space to talk about menopause.


Recordings and resources from our Menopause coaching series.

Manager training

This catalogue is restricted to HIOW Colleagues only – to gain access, please complete this short MS forms to allow the Learning Hub team to grant you access.

Menopause Support Guide

This guidance, which accompanies our Menopause Policy, seeks to give staff
members and line managers the confidence and knowledge to seek or offer support.

Manager guidance

This guide should provide line managers with a better understanding of what menopause is and the impact, as well as key information on how to support staff manage the effects of the menopause transition at work.

join our half an hour online sessions on menopause

Menohealth sessions

Half-hour online sessions from Menohealth – watch at a time convenient to you

World Menopause Day

Access recordings of the sessions

Menopause Advocates

Each NHS trust has trained advocates who can provide support, signposting, awareness workshops and manager workshops.

Menopause Toolkit

This guide will explain the signs and symptoms of menopause and offer some useful advice, as well as highlighting local and national support available to help you.

Self help resources

View helpful articles and other resources.


Menopause Awareness eLearning Module

Did you know you can access general menopause awareness training via eLearning for Healthcare?

Find out more

Find out about menopause symptoms, causes and treatments, and things you can do to help.


The specialist authority for menopause and post reproductive health in the UK

the patient arm of the BMS

an award winning, independent website

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