WRAP is back for 2023, with a free two-day course for Primary Care Colleagues at the end of March.
WRAP stands for Wellness Resilience Action Planning and is all about helping you develop strategies for meeting challenges in and out of the workplace. Read on to learn more and book your place.
Run by Discover Wellness, the course uses preventative, evidence-based practice to empower you with the skills you need to deal with challenges.
The course gives groups of up to 16 people the opportunity to come together to develop their own WRAP so that they have the skills and confidence to deal with challenges in and out of the workplace.
The journey involves exploring:
Five key concepts
Personal responsibility
Wellness Tools
Explore the things you do to keep yourself well, and the things you do to help yourself feel better
when you don’t feel well.
Six parts of WRAP
1. Daily maintenance plan
2. Triggers and action plan
3. Early warning signs and action plan
4. Breaking down and action plan
5. Crisis plan
6. Post crisis plan
The process focuses on people’s strengths; it encourages individuals to take personal
responsibility for their actions and to self-advocate for support before circumstances reach crisis point and require other costly interventions.
Book your place
WRAP takes place on 29 and 30 March 2023 from 9am-5pm