Housing Hub/NHS Rooms

Home is so much more than a roof and a bed, it’s the very cornerstone of our lives – a place where we can be safe, secure and connect with family, friends and loved ones.  A home is everything… if you haven’t got a safe and stable home, nothing else can fall into place.

The NHS Housing Hub helps internationally recruited NHS and primary care employees in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight access housing.

NHS Rooms is an offer provided by the NHS Housing Hub open to all NHS colleagues across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. It provides a platform for colleagues who have a spare room to rent out to be matched with colleagues in need of accommodation.

The NHS Housing Hub is a specialist service designed to help internationally recruited colleagues and those in acute housing need to find an affordable home.

The Housing Hub officers provide advice on accommodation and renting in the UK, support colleagues with finding and securing a home, and can also provide advocacy in liaising with agents and landlords if required.

The service is available across the NHS in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

How can I use the service?

To use the services offered by the Housing Hub, please email io***************@nh*.net and one of the team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

After your initial registration, you will receive useful documents to guide you through the renting process in the UK, and you will also have the option to be part of a WhatsApp group on which properties that might be of interest to you will be posted. A dedicated Housing Hub officer will manage your case and be available for any questions you may have.

Please note that in most cases, you will need to be in the UK to attend viewings.

“Words cannot express how grateful I am to the Housing Hub; I don’t know what I would have done without this help as I didn’t know how daunting it was to get accommodation until I started to look. The hub uploaded rental properties and called and sent messages to find out if I am interested. They talked to agents about my situation and even found a bed for me as the place was unfurnished. They still send messages to check that I am settling in – thank you.”

Housing Hub client

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