The NHS has made a clear commitment to safe and healthy work, both in the NHS People Plan and the People Promise.

Good breaks help people to stay healthy and well at work. When staff are unable to rest and recover from the demands of their work, they are more likely to make mistakes, feel less engaged, suffer from burnout and leave the NHS.

The HIOW Retention Project highlighted that we could do more to support our people in creating a healthy break. A Good Breaks working group has been established, bringing together staff from across HIOW to improve breaks.  Together, we have developed these resources to support staff across HIOW to take ‘Good Breaks’.

Good Breaks Overview

We’ve created this resource for NHS colleagues.


A series of short webinars.

Case Studies

Good break ideas from across HIOW and the NHS.

HR/OD Toolkit

A good break culture is vital.

Manager Toolkit

What do Good Breaks look like for your team?

Individual Toolkit

Helping you take a good break.

Sleep fatigue and the workplace

Information on how sleep and fatigue can impact on the health of staff, with practical recommendations for improving the quality of sleep and rest.

Survey! Are you able to spare a couple of minutes for a survey to help us evaluate how these resources are being used?

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